This is our ministry

-We are investing in affordable housing because we believe every person deserves the dignity to to be able to live in safe, clean and affordable housing. Our team is committed to helping people find the beauty of living in a home.

-We know that many of the people who will stay in our properties are hurting and need someone to care. So we make it a priority  to connect nonprofits, ministries and churches to our guests. 

– For many of us there is a disconnect between our world and the poor. At Golden Grove, we want to give voices to the those who are rarely heard so use our influence and abilities to tell their story. 

– As we create our business we want to make it one that is glorifying to God in every aspect. From the way we manage our our staff to the way we handle our investors money. Integrity will be what we are known for.

– All good gifts are from the Lord, and so any wealth accumulated from this business will be the Lord’s. Our team will hold each other accountable to give generously and encourage our investors to do the same.