We wanted to work with our friends to build something that could change the lives of others and ours along the way.

The power of  the stability that is provided by real estate is immense. Stability often provides opportunity for more than just life change. It can change the course of families for generations. 

We desire to build a long term investment portfolio that has incalculable returns for the lives of thousands of people, as well as equipping our investors with a healthy return on their monetary investment. 


People say that working with friends isn’t such a wise idea, but we disagree. Our friendship has been key to making Golden Grove a success. In fact, we’re a little less like friends and a little more like family!

Kel & Debbie


Josh & Kelly


Joe & Kalia


Ours Story

In 2014 we became friends drawn together by outdoor adventure, authentic relationships, and a love for camp ministry.  We loved our time in camping and it taught us so much about both business and missional living. But, In 2020 with COVID wreaking havoc on our ministry we found ourselves questioning our futures, and wondering what was next. We didn’t know exactly where or how the next chapter of our story would unfold, but we knew we wanted to do it as friends on mission. So through God’s leading and providence we are are here; pursuing real estate based solutions for the affordable housing crisis and finding ourselves caring for thousands of  people in the process. We are excited to see where God continues to guide us on this journey!